Event box

Teaching Data Literacy (Constellate)

SMU Libraries provides campus wide access to the Constellate platform. In this session, The Constellate team willwill go through how to teach with the data from your own Github repository? In this 1-day class, you will learn all about how to teach with Constellate using your own data from a Github repository. We will walk you through the whole process from creating a GitHub account and generating a Personal Access Token (PAT) to forking a repository and making your lesson.

Registration is required.

Check out our Research & Scholarship guides (including Constellate guide) for self-guided help. For questions, Ask Us.

Any person who requires a reasonable accommodation on the basis of a disability in order to participate in this program should contact Rafia Mirza at least one week prior to the event to arrange for the accommodation. 

Presented by Constellate

Related LibGuide: JSTOR Constellate by Rafia Mirza

Monday, November 18, 2024
9:00am - 10:30am
  Faculty/staff     Graduates  
  Scholarship and Research > Computational Skills  
